Meet Quinton Rasberry, Founder and President of Q Care Plus

Meet Quinton Rasberry, Founder and President of Q Care Plus

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Meet Quinton Rasberry, Founder and President of Q Care Plus

PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is preventative medication people at risk for HIV take, and it is 99% effective. As incredible as PrEP is, it has not always been accessible, especially for uninsured people or undocumented people. Q Care Plus started because Founder and President Quinton Rasberry witnessed PrEP deserts firsthand and was passionate about making sure everyone who wants PrEP can access it.

We sat down with Quinton to learn more about his role at Q Care Plus, what he wants people to know about HIV, and what sets Q Care Plus apart in the HIV space.

Let’s Spill the TEAstimonial!

Q: So, Quinton, tell us more about your background and what experience led you to this role?

A: I worked in the specialty pharmacy space for the past 9 years. I started my career at Avita Pharmacy as the Marketing Director when Avita Pharmacy was made up of four locations, 2 in Texas and 2 in Louisiana. 

After about 4 years in marketing, I decided to move into an Account Executive position for Avita. I left Avita for a year and half to become a 340B Administrator at a Ryan White and STD clinic. Here I became a 340B ACE (Apexus Certified Expert) so I could manage the 340B processes better. 

I left the organization to return to Avita as the National 340B Account Director, covering cost to cost to build programs. 

This gave me a lot of knowledge of how other programs operated and helped me develop my ideas of how to structure Q Care Plus to meet the needs of both Community Based Organizations and most importantly, patients. After 2 years in this role, I left Avita to start Q Care Plus.

Q: Fascinating! How long have you been with Q Care Plus?

A: Q Care Plus is basically my baby. I started the company in July 2020 and have been so impressed with how quickly we have been able to grow to serve the needs of communities across the country.

Q: What about the HIV prevention space appealed to you?

A: I remember going to 3 different providers when I made the decision I wanted to start PrEP and how difficult those conversations were for me.

As a gay man, I have participated in HIV Prevention since 2015. During my time at Avita I met countless community members, advocates for both prevention and treatment, and many who shared their stories with me. 

These stories inspired me to not only be more mindful of barriers and challenges people face when accessing healthcare, especially around sexual health, but also to become part of the solution.  

Q: That’s an incredible testimony of personal experience with PrEP accessibility, thanks for sharing! What are you most proud of that you’ve accomplished in your role so far?

A: I am most proud of the team I have been able to work with. 

The Q Care Plus team goes above and beyond everyday to take care of our patients and our community. The passion, experience, and love for our patients is what drives our team to deliver the quality, stigma-free care that makes Q Care Plus so different from other services.

Q: Speaking of Q Care Plus being different from other services, what sets Q Care Plus apart from other providers, in your opinion?

A: Q Care Plus providers are experts in the area. Our providers are here because they love to work with our patients and they care about the health of our patients.

They go above and beyond to deliver care that meets the individual needs of each patient they encounter.

Q: What stands out to you the most in Q Care Plus’s work that you truly believe will change the way people get HIV preventative medication?

A: I think what stands out most from Q Care Plus’s work that changes the way people get access care is our flexibility to meet patients where they are and our passion to understand who our patients are. 

Through our Community-Focused Care Management Platform, patients can access care by a LGBTQ+ specialized provider from almost anywhere. 

We understand that our patients’ lives are busy and sometimes prioritizing their own needs is difficult. Through our virtual provider visits and convenient lab options, patients can receive care on the go or when they are at home.  

Our providers are trained to do their best to really understand our patients, including their chosen name and pronouns while educating our patients around taking control of their sexual health and the tools available to them.

Q: Outside of providing access to medication, what is something Q Care Plus has done/accomplished that you are proud of?

A: Q Care Plus has helped many Community Based Organizations access clinical care as well as put millions of dollars back into the communities we serve. 

These dollars work to improve access to healthcare including other wrap-around services such as transportation, counseling, substance abuse, needle exchange, and lots of other things that are important to helping people access healthcare in the U.S.

Q: What is one thing you want people to know about HIV prevention work or a myth that exists within the space?

A: Taking control of your health is empowering. HIV is not a scary word and people can live normal, healthy lives who are HIV positive. People who choose PrEP are not all the same. PrEP is a great tool for those who want to take control of their sexual health and reduce their risk of contracting HIV. Sex is normal and not the same for everyone. 

It’s completely ok and important to talk about sex with your providers, even if it can feel a little uncomfortable for you or them.

Rapid Fire Questions:

Q: What is your go-to Karaoke song?

A: Ummm I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, so Tequila by the Champs.

Q: What show are you binging right now?

A: Ozark! Ready for the second ½ of the final season.

Q: Coffee or tea?

A: Coffee, 100%.

Q: Drag Race or Queer Eye?

A: Drag Race.

Q: Care to share an embarrassing moment at work?

A: We’ll keep those to myself, but there are plenty.

Picture of Kirby Altizer

Kirby Altizer

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