What Are The Benefits of PrEP? - Q Care Plus

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an incredible medication. The once daily pill  is 99% effective at preventing HIV when taken correctly, and it is easier than ever to get PrEP online, making it even more accessible and helpful!

The preventative benefits of PrEP are undeniable and so important. However, talking about and taking PrEP goes far beyond these particular benefits.

Learn about getting a PrEP prescription online, and let’s talk about additional benefits of PrEP outside of its preventative benefits.

Opens Doors to Communicate More Effectively With Your Partner(s)

Starting conversations about PrEP–and about sexual health in general–is sometimes intimidating. But, it’s important to know your sexual partners status when it comes to STIs and HIV!

PrEP opens the door for these conversations. Taking ownership of your sexual health is sexy. It shows that you not only care about yourself and invest in yourself, but you also want to protect other people.

If you view talking about sexual health like this instead of as something shameful or embarrassing, you and your potential partner(s) can have deeper, more meaningful conversations. Not only about PrEP, but also other important aspects of your sexual health. 

With free PrEP online through Q Care Plus, you can help refer or walk your partner through the easy, simple to use process if you want to encourage them to also get on PrEP.

Encourages People to Seek Specialized Care

Many people, especially people in the LGBTQ+ community, avoid going to the doctor out of fear. While it is normal and understandable to feel this way, it’s still important to seek care and improve your health!

When getting PrEP online, there is a unique opportunity to access specialists in HIV prevention around the clock. So, you can ask your questions as you have them and know that our providers will value and protect your identity!

Provides More Sexual Freedom

If you are worried about contracting an STI such as HIV from a sexual partner, that can cause a lot of anxiety.

Anxiety is proven to cause shorter erections, lack of vaginal lubrication, and lack of focus during sex.

If you and/or your partner are on PrEP and are able to take anxiety out of the equation, you will experience more sexual freedom and perhaps even more pleasure during sex!

Helps People Learn About and Honor the History Of HIV and How We Can Do Better

When researching PrEP online, it’s inevitable that information about the history of HIV/AIDS will show up.

It’s important to honor those who went before us and who worked to ensure better, safer sexual health and freedom for all those who came after them.

PrEP is part of a larger conversation and a bigger mission to bring equity and accessibility to sexual healthcare.

Q Care Plus is a part of this mission, and we want to help you get PrEP for free as we continue the work started before us!

Learn More

Ready to get started and get PrEP online? Go to qcareplus.com to create a profile and speak to a medical provider today.

Picture of Kirby Altizer

Kirby Altizer

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