Virtually Getting on PrEP is easy and affordable, so let’s talk about it!
Virtual medicine is on the rise, and Q Care Plus is innovating options for people who want to get on PrEP virtually. If you’ve been thinking about switching providers so you don’t have to wait in the doctor’s office or in line at the pharmacy, this is your sign.
Getting Started: Create Your Profile!
Creating your patient profile is the first step to getting started. Go to’s patient enrollment page.
We will only ask for information necessary for our providers to know. This includes contact information, date of birth, insurance status, and a few other details.
If you’re undocumented, that’s totally fine! When asked for your social security number, just enter all zeros. Our providers will know what that means and note this in your patient profile.
Creating a patient profile should only take 3-5 minutes.
Virtual Provider Visits
Once that step is complete, our website will prompt you to schedule a quick 15-20 minute call with one of our providers. In some states, there are same-day appointments available for you so you can get the ball rolling fast!
We will email you the patient appointment link. This link is specialized to you, is confidential, and our virtual clinic system is HIPPA compliant. You never have to worry about the safety of your health information.
Test At-Home (or In-Person)
Once you have met with a provider, the next step is to test at-home. * But, if you’d like to test in-person, our team can also create an appointment for you at a local lab. We not only test for HIV but also a full STI panel, just in case.
If anything comes back positive, our providers are here to walk you through treatment plans and options.
Here is more detailed information on how to take an at-home HIV test.
Get PrEP Delivered!
Once all the above steps are completed and assuming your HIV test is negative, we will work with a local pharmacy to get you started on PrEP.
We will deliver PrEP directly to your door in discreet packaging so you never have to worry about a nosy neighbor or an unhinged roommate being curious about what you’re getting delivered.
You’ll need to repeat the testing process every three months just to monitor your sexual health status, but our providers will get in touch with you when your next test is due and send it to you in a timely fashion.
Bottom Confidently Because Confidentiality is Our Top Priority
Since the rise of telehealth, one of the most common concerns people have is related to confidentiality. In fact, 43% of patients thinking about using telehealth services are worried about their privacy.
Q Care Plus is a HIPPA-compliant provider, and we promise that your information is private and confidential.
All of our software is HIPPA compliant, and we will never store or share your information anywhere that it isn’t safe.
*please note, in New York, at-home testing is not yet available.